Describing Family
Well hello, learners so today we would learn how to describe a family in English here is the example.
Describing Family
My Beloved Family
Hello everyone my name is James today I will describe all members of my nuclear family
start from me, my complete name is James Rick and I'm from England, usually, my friend call me James and now I'm 12 years old my school is at Oxford junior high school, and in this year I'm in grade 7, and my father is Mr.jack he is my hero in my family he always supports me to reach my future not only that he always gives me advice that motivated me, and now he is working at shoe industry, and my mother she is Ayla she is my angel in the whole of my life she is very patient, gentle and a little bit fussy hehe but I really love her when I have problems she is always in my side and guide me when I did some mistakes,
Oya anyway I have a younger brother and an older sister my younger brother's name is Nick he is going to 8 years old he really likes watching the cartoon and playing video game sometimes his act is annoying hehe, and the last is my older sister she is Miya, actually she is emotional and arrogant but she really cares with me when I ask something she always helps me without thinking twice, perhaps that's all that I can tell you in this occasion see you next time.
That's one of the examples of describing family now please make your own story, you can use the adjective and verb below to increase your vocabularies
ADJECTIVE ( kata sifat )
- ambitious : berambisi
- adventurous : suka berpetualangan
- humble : rendah hati
- brave : berani
- amusing : lucu
- calm : tenang
- careful : hati-hati
- diligent : rajin
- lazy : pemalas
- creative : kreatif
- energetic : aktif / lincah
- emotional : penuh emosi
- enthusiastic : antusias
- generous : dermawan
- naughty : nakal
- polite : sopan
- kind : baik
- honest : jujur
- intelligent : cerdas
- modest : sederhana,rendah hati
- persistent : gigih
- quiet : diam
- reliable : dapat di percaya
- confident : percaya diri
VERB ( kata kerja )
- agree : setuju
- appear : muncul
- kneel : berlutut
- accompany : menemani
- arrive : tiba/sampai
- cough : batuk
- cry : menangis
- lead : memimpin
- laugh : tertawa
- knock : mengetuk
- scream : berteriak
- try : mencoba
- get : mendapatkan
Perhaps only that the lesson that I can share today see you, next time learners...
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