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The Interesting Facts About Singapore

 Talking about Singapore must not be separated from developed countries, small countries, modern countries, or even countries with many restrictions. However, maybe not many people know that there are interesting facts about this country with the lion icon, for example, this country prohibits, the productions, consumption, and sale of chewing gum, This start in 1987, when the MRT started operating in Singapore.
  There are irresponsible chewers who stick the remaining gum, they chewed onto the MRT door sensor that causes the door doesn't work properly, in addition to disrupting public services, this will certainly cause considerable total cost damage. Finally, in 1992, Singapore's second prime minister, Goh Chok Tong, Decided to ban chewing gum. Well apart from these facts, there are still a number of other facts that have summarized, The interesting facts about Singapore.

           The Interesting Facts About Singapore


1 ) Singapore buying sand from other countries

An interesting fact about Singapore, the first is about reclamation, If you look at the world map it will be difficult to find the state of Singapore, due to its small size and located very close to our country. This is normal because Singapore only has an area of approximately 719.1 km². because of this limited land, Singapore is aggressively expanding its land by buying sand from other countries including Indonesia. Efforts to expand the land or reclamation are planned to continue and end in 2030. so we can be sure the area of this country will continue to grow


2 ) Age Over 30 is Mandatory Married

This may sound a little unique for us especially in Indonesia, there are still many people aged 30 years and over even 40 years and over who are not married. perhaps in Indonesia, there are many considerations that must be carefully considered before deciding to have a household, for example, career, mental readiness, and financial. there are even those who are not married because they have not found someone who is suitable as a life partner.
However in Singapore over 30 years must be married. In fact, the Singapore Government has played a role in this. the concrete steps that have been taken are to collaborate with the Social Development Unit (SDU) dating agency to help Singaporeans find a life partner


3 ) Building Height Cannot Be More Than 280 Meters

Singapore is also known as the 1001 prohibited country due to the many regulations that exist in this country. One example is the regulation building, which cannot exceed 280 meters.
Currently, there are only three buildings that have a height 280 meters, namely the Republic Plaza, United Overseas Bank Plaza One, and the Overseas Union Bank Center


4 ) The Highest Indoor Waterfall in the World

In terms of technological advancement and infrastructure, there is no doubt that Singapore is one of the best countries in the world. So it's no wonder that Singapore has the Highest Indoor Waterfall in the World. This waterfall stands on reclaimed land, namely Garden by the Ba.
Singapore, which is the location of nurseries and research centers for various kinds of plants from around the world. In Garden by the Bay, visitors can enjoy the view of various kinds of endemic plants and flowers from around the world. And you can also see the highest indoor waterfall in the world with the height of up to 35 meters.

air terjun dalam ruangan

5 ) World's First Night Zoo

A popular tourist destination is the night safari, the world's first night zoo. The Night Safari has the most complete and world-famous collection of wild animals. visitors will be invited to take a walk around the zoo on a tram with the complete explanation information of each animal. The Night Safari is open from 19.15 to 21.00

burung hantu

6 ) The best Airport in the world

Singapore Changi Airport was named the best airport in the world by Skytrax at the 2017 world airport awards. this award is the fifth time in a row that an airport with first-class facilities has received. Apart from being the Best Airport in the world, Changi Airport has also won the title of the best airport with the best recreational facilities. Changi Airport is known for its qualified check-in, arrival, shopping, security, transfer, immigration, and boarding gate services

Bandar Udara singapura

7 ) Gay Relationship is Illegal But Lesbian Relationship is Legal

The next interesting fact about Singapore is about the rules which are quite strange. Singapore is not allowed to have sexual relations between men and the rule is regulated in the law. However, sexual relations between women are not regulated by law. Anyone who violates the law will be jailed 2 years


8 ) Having The Best Students in Mathematic

Education is really important in Singapore, this is what makes Singapore becomes one of the developed countries with the best students. Singapore also has some universities with the best facilities and education, some of which even have a high ranking of the best university in the world, so it is not surprising that students in Singapore have the best Math abilities in the world or at least are always near the top positions in global math abilities


9 Citizens live in apartments or flats.

The next interesting fact about Singapore is the majority of its citizens live in apartments or flats. This seems reasonable given the limited space in Singapore, which only has an area of approximately 719.1 kilometers while its population is around 5 million. it is almost impossible if every citizen in Singapore has their own private home. The government must be smart in managing housing for its citizen. And apartment and flats are the most appropriate solution to this problem

rumah susun, apartment

10 ) Singaporeans walk fast

Fast walking is a very common sight in Singapore, almost all residents walk on foot. Unless they want to travel long distances then they will use public transportation. A study conducted by British Council showed that Singaporeans walk at an average speed of 10.55 seconds per 18 meters and the fastest in the world, Singapore beats Denmark, Spain, China, and Ireland that are behind Singapore in terms of fastest walking respectively.

jalan kaki


1 ) What kind of food is banned in Singapore?

2 ) How does Singapore Expand its territory?

3 ) What is the name of the highest waterfall in the world? please describe it!

4 ) Why does Changi Airport become the Best Airport in the world?

5 ) Write the conclusion about the text above!

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