Label 1

Present Perfect Continuous Pengertian dan Penjelasan Lengkap

 Well hello learners pada pertemuan kali ini kita akan membahas lebih dalam mengenai Present Perfect Continuous, mulai dari fungsi Present Perfect Continuous, rumus Present Perfect Continuous, time signal Present Perfect Continuous dan juga contoh Present Perfect Continuous beserta soal latihan Present Perfect Continuous

            Present Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect Continuous

1 ) Fungsi Present Perfect Continuous

  • Untuk menyatakan kegiatan pada masa lampau namun masih berlangsung sampai sekarang.
contoh : I have been studying for 2 hours
              They have been waiting for their turn
              She has been sweeping the floor for an hour
              Doni and Dodi have been learning English since morning
              Raka hasn't been washing his clothes for 3 days

2 ) Rumus Present Perfect Continuous

+ ) S + have/has + been +
- ) S + have/has + not + been +
? ) have/has + S + been +
-? ) have/has + not + S + been +

contoh : They have been doing their own business until now
              She has been looking at the picture for a long time
              He has been Climbing the tree for 2 hours
              Doni has been crying in his room

3 ) Time signal 

  • Since
  • For
  • Ever since
  • All-day
  • The whole day
  • All morning
  • How long
  • Lately

4 ) Soal latihan Present Perfect Continuous

choose the correct word!

1 ) They (have/has) been cooking here for 2 hours
2 ) She (have/has) been walking the whole day
3 ) He (have/has) been playing tennis all morning
4 ) Doni (have/has) watching a movie since yesterday
5 ) Doni and Dodi (have/has) been visiting my friend for 3 hours
6 ) The dentist has been fixing the problem of his teeth ( the whole night/yesterday )
7 ) The carpenter has been making a luxury house and furniture from wood  ( all day/every day)
8 ) The baker has been making the most delicious cake ( for two weeks/tomorrow )
9 ) The cleaner has been cleaning the parking area ( since yesterday/two months ago )
10 ) The Dustman has been Collecting the rubbish ( the whole day/2 hours ago ) 

Translate these sentences

1 ) saya sudah menunggu mu selama 4 jam
2 ) mereka telah menonton tv sepanjang pagi
3 ) Raka telah kabur dari rumah nya selama 3 hari
4 ) Raka dan Roki telah bermain catur sejak tadi pagi
5 ) apakah kamu sudah mencari Raka sepanjang hari?
6 ) apakah Rina sudah mencuci baju selama 3  jam?
7 ) apakah kamu sudah membuat makalah mu sepanjang pagi ini?
8 ) pengacara itu sudah mewawancarai Raka selama 1 jam
9 ) guru baru itu sudah mengajar sejak siang
10 ) penjaga gawang itu sudah tidak bermain bola selama 2 minggu

5 ) Vocabulary test about profession !!

  • Accountant                             Hairdresser                       Scientist
  • Actor                                      Journalist                          Receptionist
  • Architect                                Gardener                           Soldier
  • Baker                                      Judge                                Translator
  • Bricklayer                               Lawyer                             Traffic warden
  • Butcher                                   Lecturer                            Travel agent
  • Designer                                 Librarian                           Veterinary doctor
  • Dentist                                    Lifeguard                          Waitress
  • Cleaner                                   Florist                                Model
  • Doctor                                     Model                               Politician
  • Dustman                                  Newsreader                      Electrician
  • Author                                     Nurse                                Chef
  • Astronomer                             Painter                              Headmaster
  • Engineer                                  Pharmacist                        Customer
  • Farmer                                     Photographer                    Volunteer
  • Fisherman                               Plumber                             Pioneer
  • Factory worker                       Pilot                                   Pupil
  • Fireman                                  Postman                            Visitor
  • Mechanic                                Receptionist                      Minister


Nah bagaimana learners dengan pelajaran kali ini apakah sudah mengerti apa itu present perfect continuous? sampai ketemu di pelajaran selanjut nya..

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