Label 1

Passive voice pengertian dan penjelasan lengkap dengan semua tenses


 Well hello learners pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membahas lebih dalam mengenai passive voice Sebelum memulai pada materi kali ini alangkah baik nya kita mengetahui lebih dulu apa itu Passive Voice. Kata kerja transitive ( transitive verb ) memiliki dua bentuk yaitu Active Voice dan Passive Voice atau biasa di sebut dengan kalimat aktif dan pasif.

  • Berikut perbedaan antara Active Voice dan Passive Voice Simple Present

Sebuah kalimat dapat di katakan kalimat Active Voice apabila subject nya melakukan suatu kegiatan atau pekerjaan ( kata kerja nya biasa nya di awali dengan awalan atau ber imbuhan -me atau -ber )

Contoh : 
Saya bermain bola                             > I play football
Mobil saya menabrak sebuah pohon > My car hit a tree

Sedangkan sebuah kalimat dapat di katakan kalimat Passive Voice apabila subject nya di kenai suatu kegiatan atau pekerjaan ( kata kerja nya biasa nya di awali dengan awalan atau ber imbuhan -di, -ter atau  -ke-an  ) 

Contoh : 
Bola itu di bawa oleh saya                 > The ball is carried by me
Raka tertabrak sebuah truk                > Raka is hit by a truck

Passive Voice Simple Present

Passive Voice Simple Present

1 ) Rumus Passive Voice Simple Present

+ ) S + is, am, are + V3 + O
- ) S + is, am, are + not + V3 + O
? ) is, am, are + S + V3 + O 
-? ) is, am, are + not + S + V3 + O

Contoh :

+ ) They are invited by Raka everyday  
- ) I am not called by her mom
? ) is Raka visited by his friend?
-? ) isn't the book borrowed by our teacher


Choose the correct word!

1 ) They ( is,am,are ) betrayed by their best friend
2 ) The new students ( is,am,are ) ( insults,insulted ) by their senior 
3 ) The wood is ( cut,cutted ) by the gardener
4 ) What is ( bring,brought,broughed ) by Raka
5 ) Where is it ( put,putted )

Translate these sentences

1 ) Saya di tampar oleh kakak saya
2 ) Uang itu di ambil oleh pengemis itu
3 ) Apakah kamu di ejek oleh teman mu?
4 ) Mereka di paksa untuk pergi ke Jogja oleh ayah angkat mereka
5 ) Bukankah rumah tua itu di bangun oleh kakek mu?

Passive Voice Present Continuous

Passive Voice Present Continuous

  • Berikut perbedaan antara Active Voice dan Passive Voice Present Continuous
Contoh kalimat AKTIF Present Continuous

Mereka sedang menonton TV sekarang    > They are watching TV now
Ayah saya sedang menggali lubang          > My father is digging a hole

Contoh kalimat PASIF  Present Continuous

Meja itu sedang di pakai oleh sepupu saya            > The table is being used by my cousin
Gantungan kunci itu sedang di jual di pasar          > The key ring is being sold in the market

1 ) Rumus Passive Voice Present Continuous

+ ) S + is, am, are + being + V3 + O
- ) S + is, am, are + not + being + V3 + O
? ) is, am, are + S +  being + V3 + O 
-? ) is, am, are + not + S + being + V3 + O

Contoh :

+ ) The new building is being built by the worker 
- ) My ancient shirt is being washed by my mom
? ) is the puppy being caught by Raka?
-? ) aren't the books being bought by our classmate


Choose the correct word!!

1 ) The bill is being ( pay,payed,paid ) by my nephew
2 ) The jewelry is being ( keep,keeped,kept ) by the guard
3 ) Are you being ( chase,chased ) by the stranger
4 ) ( is,am,are ) the beef being ( roast,roasted )?
5 ) ( is,am,are ) the people being ( advise,advised ) now? 

Translate these sentences

1 ) Perampok itu sedang di pukul oleh masyarakat
2 ) Makalah saya sedang di nilai oleh dosen
3 ) Apakah kamu sedang di bohongi oleh kakak kamu?
4 ) Mereka sedang di cari oleh ayah angkat saya
5 ) Sekolah kuno itu sedang di bangun kembali oleh pemerintah

Passive Voice Present Perfect

Passive Voice Present Perfect

  • Berikut perbedaan antara Active Voice dan Passive Voice Present Perfect
Contoh kalimat AKTIF Present Perfect

Ayah kamu sudah menunggu kamu selama 1 jam    > Your father has waited for you for an hour
Raka sudah memberi makan kucing nya                   > Raka has fed his cat

Contoh kalimat PASIF  Present Perfect

Kamu sudah di tunggu ayah mu selama 1 jam    > You have been waited by your father for an hour
Mereka sudah di ajari oleh miss Leny                 > They have been taught by miss Leny

1 ) Rumus Passive Voice Present Perfect

+ ) S + have,has + been + V3 + O
- ) S + have,has + not +  been + V3 + O
? ) have,has + S +   been + V3 + O 
-? ) have,has + not + S + been + V3 + O

Contoh :

+ ) They have been told by me
- ) The gasoline has been thrown by the thief
? ) Has the orphan been adopted?
-? ) Hasn't the cake been baked by the chef?


Choose the correct word!!

1 ) The iron has been ( bent,bend ) by them
2 ) The door has been ( shut,shutted ) by my niece
3 ) The poor man has been ( give,given,gave ) a lot of money
4 ) The term paper ( has,have ) not been ( type,typed ) yet
5 ) ( has,have ) the mice been ( kill,killed )?

Translate these sentences

1 ) Nasi itu sudah di masak oleh nenek Raka
2 ) Apakah nama ku sudah di panggil?
3 ) Bukankah pelayan itu sudah di pecat?
4 ) Bukankah soal-soal ini sudah di kerjakan oleh Roni?
5 ) Kaca mataku sudah di perbaiki oleh bapak ku

Passive Voice Simple Past

Passive Voice Simple Past

  • Berikut perbedaan antara Active Voice dan Passive Voice Simple Past
Contoh kalimat AKTIF Simple Past

Saya mengendarai mobil kemarin                           >   I drove a car yesterday
Pelaut itu memancing di danau 2 jam yang lalu      >   The sailor fished in the lake 2 hours ago

Contoh kalimat PASIF  Simple Past

Mobil itu di kendarai oleh bibi saya kemarin      > That car was droven by my aunt yesterday
Mereka di suruh oleh adik ipar saya                    > They were ordered by my brother-in-law

1 ) Rumus Passive Voice Simple Past

+ ) S + was/were + V3 + O
- ) S + was/were + not + V3 + O
? ) was/were + S + V3 + O
-? ) was/were + not + S + V3 + O

Contoh :

+ ) They were picked up by the police
- ) The painting was painted by the famous painter
? ) was your mom interviewed by the reporter?
-? ) wasn't the driver inspected by the agent?


Choose the correct word!!

1 ) The great wall ( wasn't/weren't ) built by the architect in 1997
2 ) The song ( wasn't/weren't ) ( sang,sing,sung ) by Justin Bieber last night
3 ) The headmaster ( wasn't/weren't ) ( called,call ) by his parents
4 ) The term paper ( wasn't/weren't ) ( found,find,finded ) by us
5 ) ( wasn't/weren't ) the letters ( writen,wrote,write ) by Jhon?

Translate these sentences

1 ) Orang tua itu di tuduh oleh hakim minggu lalu
2 ) Apakah kamu di rawat di rumah sakit tahun lalu?
3 ) Bukankah pramugari itu di pecat bulan lalu?
4 ) Bukankah pemulung itu mengambil paket mu kemarin?
5 ) Nilai ulangan ku di lihat oleh teman-teman kelas ku tadi pagi

Passive Voice Past Continuous

Passive Voice Past Continuous

  • Berikut perbedaan antara Active Voice dan Passive Voice Past Continuous
Contoh kalimat AKTIF Past Continuous

Mereka sedang belajar ketika saya tiba                      > They were studying when i arrived
Tentara itu sedang bertempur kemarin jam 2 siang    > The army were fighting at 2 pm yesterday

Contoh kalimat PASIF  Past Continuous

Mesin itu sedang di perbaiki ketika hujan turun   > The machine was being repaired when it rained
Saya sedang di nasehati kemarin malam               > I was being advised last night

1 ) Rumus Passive Voice Past Continuous

+ ) S + was/were + being + V3 + O
- ) S + was/were + not + being + V3 + O
? ) was/were + S +  being + V3 + O 
-? )was/were + not + S + being + V3 + O

Contoh :

+ ) The new mosque was being renovated by the worker
- ) My ancient cars were being moved when I came
? ) was the kitten being fed at this time last year
-? ) weren't the mice being trapped by the landlord


Choose the correct word!!

1 ) She was being ( invited,invite ) by her neighbor this morning
2 ) The refrigerator ( was,were ) being repaired 
3 ) ( was,were ) you being ( investigate,investigated ) by the spy?
4 ) The society ( was,were ) being ( colonized,colonizeed ) by the colonist?
5 ) ( weren't,wasn't ) the guests being welcomed well? 

Translate these sentences

1 ) Mereka sedang di traktir oleh teman saya tadi sore
2 ) Lapto baru saya sedang di pinjam oleh kakak ipar saya tahun lalu
3 ) Apakah dokter gigi itu sedang di cari ayah mu kemarin malam
4 ) Jam tangan saya sedang di perbaiki tahun lalu di bulan oktober
5 ) Mahasiswa itu sedang di marahi oleh dosen nya jam 3 siang 2 hari yang lalu 

Passive Voice Past Perfect

Passive Voice Past Perfect

  • Berikut perbedaan antara Active Voice dan Passive Voice Past Perfect
Contoh kalimat AKTIF Past Perfect

Ilmuan itu sudah menemukan penemuan baru sejak 1997 > The scientist had found the new invention since 1997

Raka sudah mengajari adik nya ketika saya tiba                > Raka had taught his brother when i came

Contoh kalimat PASIF  Past Perfect

Mie itu sudah di masak ketika lampu mati      
  > The noodles had been cooked when the lights went out
Uang itu sudah di terima oleh bupati ketika pemilihan umum di adakan    
  > The money had been received by the regent when a general election held

1 ) Rumus Passive Voice Past Perfect

+ ) S +  had + been + V3 + O
- ) S +  had + not +  been + V3 + O
? ) had + S +   been + V3 + O 
-? ) had + not + S + been + V3 + O

Contoh :

+ ) They had been told by me
- ) The gasoline had been paid by my uncle
? ) Had the calves been adopted?
-? ) Hadn't the light been bought by the electrician?


Choose the correct word!!

1 ) The nickel had been ( steal,stolen,stole ) by them
2 ) The glass had been ( crack,cracked ) by my niece
3 ) The poor man had been ( give,given,gave ) a lot of money when I came
4 ) The research ( had,has,have ) not been ( approve,approven,approved ) when I was sick
5 ) ( has,have,had ) the mice been ( kill,killed ) when she came?

Translate these sentences

1 ) Mereka sudah memesan makanan mereka sejak siang tadi
2 ) Daging sapi itu sudah di panggang ketika pesta di mulai
3 ) Bukankah penjahat itu sudah di penjara ketika kamu pulang
4 ) Bukankah soal-soal ini sudah di kerjakan oleh Roni sejak 2 hari yang lalu?
5 ) Kaos kaki ku sudah di jahit oleh penjahit keika saya belajar.

Passive Voice Simple Future

Passive Voice Simple Future

  • Berikut perbedaan antara Active Voice dan Passive Voice Simple future
Contoh kalimat AKTIF Simple Future

Saya akan mengunjungi desa itu                > i will visit the village
Kita akan menikmati sarapan di kantin      > we will have a breakfast at canteen         

Contoh kalimat PASIF  Simple Future

Bunga itu akan di siram oleh adik ku          >  The flower will be watered by the florist
Kayu itu akan di pindah oleh tukang kayu  >  The wood will be moved by the carpenter              

1 ) Rumus Passive Voice Simple Future

+ ) S +  will + be + V3 + O
- ) S +  will + not +  be + V3 + O
? ) will + S +   be + V3 + O 
-? ) will + not + S + be + V3 + O

Contoh :

+ ) The lawyer will be interviewed by the reporter
- ) The carcass will be destroyed soon
? ) Will the furniture be sold tomorrow?
-? ) Won't the stove be fixed by the electrician?


Choose the correct word!!

1 ) The rice field will be ( plow,plaw,plowed ) by them
2 ) The furniture will be ( crack,cracked ) by my gardener
3 ) The street musician will be ( punish,punished ) 
4 ) The newest magazine will be ( publish,published ) and ( approve,approven,approved ) soon
5 ) ( will,would,should ) the mice be( kill,killed ) next week?

Translate these sentences

1 ) Mereka akan di antar oleh supir mereka
2 ) Acara nya akan di mulai sebentar lagi
3 ) Bukankah pohon kelapa itu akan di tanam di halaman depan?
4 ) Bukankah kita akan di usir dari kampung ini?
5 ) Pengacara itu akan di bayar mahal

Passive Voice Future Perfect

Passive Voice Future Perfect

  • Berikut perbedaan antara Active Voice dan Passive Voice Future Perfect
Contoh kalimat AKTIF Future Perfect

Nasabah itu akan mengembalikan uang nya menjelang musim panas ini             
  > The client will have Returned her money by this summer
Bukankah Raka akan melewati ujian akhir nya menjelang bulan depan
  > Won't Raka have passed his final exam by next month      

Contoh kalimat PASIF  Future Perfect

Tugas itu akan di selesaikan Raka menjelang tahun baru
     >  The task will have been done by Raka by the new year
Patung itu akan di hancurkan menjelang senin depan
    >  The statue will have destroyed by next Monday

1 ) Rumus Passive Voice Future perfect

+ ) S +  will + have + been + V3 + O
- ) S +  will + have + not +  been + V3 + O
? ) will + S + have + been + V3 + O 
-? ) will + not + S + have + been + V3 + O

Contoh :

+ ) The chocolate will have been sold by winter
- ) The garage will have been leased by the client 
? ) Will the furniture have been sold?
-? ) Won't the stove have been fixed by the electrician by summer?


Choose the correct word!!

1 ) The new magazine will have been ( buy,buyed,bought ) By the first of October
2 ) the book will have been ( distributed,distributing,distribute )
3 ) The author will have ( finish,finished ) his new scientific papers by the second of October
4 ) The latest magazine will have been ( publish,published ) and ( approve,approven,approved ) 
5 ) The readers will have been (invite,invited ) by the director

Translate these sentences

1 ) Rumah itu akan di sita menjelang awal bulan maret
2 ) Acara pemakan nya akan selesai menjelang sore ini
3 ) Bukankah sampah itu akan di daur ulang menjelang bulan depan
4 ) Bukankah mereka akan di undang menjelang minggu depan?
5 ) Pengemis itu akan di traktir oleh orang kaya itu menjelang tahun baru

Passive Voice Simple Past Future

Passive Voice Simple Past Future

  • Berikut perbedaan antara Active Voice dan Passive Voice Simple Past future
Contoh kalimat AKTIF Simple Past Future

Dia akan hadir ke acara itu, tapi sayang nya dia sakit pada saat itu
   > he would attend the agenda, but unfortunately he was sick at the time

Saya seharus nya menyelesaikan tugas saya    
   > I should do my assignment      

Contoh kalimat PASIF  Simple Past Future

Saya akan di jemput ayah ku, jika dia tidak datang
    >  I would be picked up by my father, if he didn't come
Kayu itu akan di pindah oleh tukang kayu, jika turun hujan 
   >  The wood would be moved by the carpenter, if it rained             

1 ) Rumus Passive Voice Simple Past Future

+ ) S +  would + be + V3 + O
- ) S +  would + not +  be + V3 + O
? ) would+ S +   be + V3 + O 
-? ) would + not + S + be + V3 + O

Contoh :

+ ) The keeper would be fired, if he didn't play well
- ) The governor would be protested, if he didn't give his promise
? ) Would the pearl be sold?
-? ) Would The magician be paid, if he did his best?


Choose the correct word!!

1 ) The coconut tree would be cut, if he ( didn't,don't ) come
2 ) The building would be rebuilt, if we ( have,had ) a lot of money
3 ) The stewardess would be paid, if he ( do,did,done ) his job well 
4 ) The newest magazine would be sold, if you ( buy,bought ) it
5 ) ( will,would, ) the cooker be sent, if he got his salary?

Translate these sentences

1 ) Mereka akan di antar oleh supir mereka, jika mereka pulang
2 ) Jika kamu membeli buah, saya akan membeli sayur 
3 ) Mereka akan di pecat, jika mereka terlambat

Passive Voice Past Future Perfect

Passive Voice Past Future Perfect

  • Berikut perbedaan antara Active Voice dan Passive Voice Past Future Perfect
Contoh kalimat AKTIF Past Future Perfect

Nasabah itu akan memberikan uang nya menjelang musim panas tahun lalu            
  > The client would have given her money by summer last year
Bukankah Raka akan melewati ujian akhir nya menjelang tanggal 1 oktober bulan lalu
  > Wouldn't  Raka have passed his final exam by the first of October last month      

Contoh kalimat PASIF  Past Future Perfect

Tugas itu akan di selesaikan Raka menjelang musim panas tahun lalu
     >  The homework would have been done by Raka By summer last year
The pizza tower would have been renovated by the end of December last year
     >  Menara pizza akan direnovasi pada akhir Desember tahun lalu

1 ) Rumus Passive Voice Future perfect

+ ) S +  would + have + been + V3 + O
- ) S +  would + have + not +  been + V3 + O
? ) would + S + have + been + V3 + O 
-? ) would + not + S + have + been + V3 + O

Contoh :

+ ) The cute cat would have been sold by winter
- ) The garage would have been leased by the client 
? ) would the furniture have been sold?
-? ) Wouldn't the stove have been fixed by the electrician by summer?


Choose the correct word!!

1 ) The new product would have been ( buy,buyed,bought ) By the first of October last month
2 ) The Chalk would have been ( send,sent )
3 ) His new song would have been ( compose,composed ) by The composer
4 ) The latest novel would have been ( publish,published ) 
5 ) The property would have been ( donate,donated ) by the director

Translate these sentences

1 ) Rumah itu akan di lelang menjelang awal bulan maret 2 tahun lalu
2 ) Acara pernikahan nya akan di selenggarakan menjelang bulan maret tahun lalu
3 ) Bukankah anak yatim itu akan di adopsi menjelang hari kamis minggu lalu
4 ) Bukankah mereka akan di undang menjelang minggu depan bulan lalu
5 ) Penjahat itu akan di hukumoleh orang kaya itu menjelang tahun baru tahun lalu

Nah gi mana learners apakah sudah mengerti apa itu passive voice dan contoh-contoh  nya??

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